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Tax Deductible Bug Bounties for Bitcoin

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Incentivize the research, development, and vetting of Bitcoin Improvement Proposals by implementing a system for crowdsourcing tax-deductible bug bounties, and distributing them to bounty winners.

Open BIP Bounties

BIP - 119


Jeremy Rubin
Total Bounty Up To: 5.3 BTC
5.1 - .53 BTC p/ vulnerability

Do you have a new BIP to be listed?
Get in touch!

Our mission is to support the open source development of Bitcoin

We do this by incentivizing the research, development, and vetting of Bitcoin Improvement Proposals by creating a system for crowdsourcing tax-deductible bug bounties, and distributing them to bounty winners.

Types of rewards

- Showstopper




Out of Scope

High Quality Reviews

PoC / Designs

50% - 100% of remaining funds out of initial pool. min 0.5 BTC

There is a fundamental issue with CTV in either the spec or the reference implementation that makes it unsafe for inclusion to Bitcoin. Examples of such an issue:

  • Coin Theft: It's possible to construct a witness to a CTV-using Output such that the funds can move in an unintended manner.

  • DoS: Transactions or blocks that take longer than 1 minute to validate as a consequence of CTV

  • TXID-instability: in the narrow carve out where predicting TXIDs should work (single input CTV from a known output), one is able to malleate the TXID in a way that would break non-interactive lightning channels
Invalid CTV transactions stuck in mempool with standard flags after activation, leading to an invalid mineable block template. Severity would be assessed higher if this issue were unique to CTV and not something previous soft forks also had, but this would be treated as severe.

Meet the team

Jeremy Rubin
Founder & CEO of Judica, Author of BIP-119
Frequently asked questions
Who is The Foundation for American Innovation?
Why is The Foundation for American Innovation doing this?
How are funds allocated?
What happens to funds if the bounty conditions are never met?
Are donation to BIP bounties tax deductible?
What solution is being used to custody crypto donations?
Help us continue our mission
100% of your donation is tax deductible and will benefit bounties on
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